Flipper’s Development Board Allows You to Control Devices Using Any Programming Language
The Flipper: Carbon embedded development board is a unique platform that enables you to create your own applications using whatever code…
The Flipper: Carbon embedded development board is a unique platform that enables you to create your own applications using whatever code you prefer, meaning you can use it with just about any SoC, microcontroller, or SBC regardless of their ecosystems to control hardware. According to Flipper’s designer George Morgan, “I wanted to create an embedded development platform that could be used from any language, on any platform, and from the tools familiar to the user of the platform.”
As far as the specs are concerned, the Flipper: Carbon is outfitted with an Arm Cortex-M4 SoC, which features 1Mb of Flash, 128Kb of SRAM, and allows for up to 8Mb of Flash storage. It also supports up to 32 GPIO, I2C, SPI, USART, along with 1024-bit DAC and ADC.
The Flipper dev board isn’t a standalone platform; rather it was designed to be tethered to a more powerful host — SBC, microcontroller, PC, etc. where all the heavy crunching is done and then passed off to the embedded system. For example, if you have an application that requires the use of computer vision, a system with a powerful GPU will provide the lift and power needed while the Flipper uses the information to control the embedded system.
You can use any programming language you prefer — Python, C/C++, JavaScript, PHP, and so forth to build your applications, although you will need to inject the Flipper software library into those apps for them to engage the board.
“Developers simply drag and drop our software library into their applications and start hacking. Everything works right out of the box using tools the developer is already familiar with. There is no need to learn how to use a new IDE, no need to learn a new programming language, and no need to focus on what doesn’t matter.”