Hackster’s Handpicked Projects of the Week Jan 11, 2019

An Addressable 7-Segment Display, an Enhanced Donkey Car, a Potato Badge + More

Hackster Staff
5 years ago
Addressable 7-Segment Displays
Use only 3 wires to control an infinite number of 7-segment single digit displays!
Stereo Vision and LiDAR Powered Donkey Car
Donkey Car featuring the Ultra96 board, a Raspberry Pi, FPGA-accelerated stereo vision, MIPI CSI-2 image acquisition, a LiDAR sensor, and AI.
Potato Badge
It’s exactly what it sounds like. Carved with love from a fresh Yukon Gold potato.
ThermoLight — The IoT Thermometer & Display
ThermoLight is a thermometer look-alike display that can show up to four values simultaneously using NeoPixels and the ESP8266.
Arduino — Control Step Motor Precisely via Web
Control a step motor by rotating a plate on web.
AIY — Smart Doorbell
Push the arcade button to ring “the doorbell” and take a photo — then review on Google Cloud. Adding Vision enables powerful prototyping!
Smart Fan (Bike Trainer)
Make a smart fan that can be controlled with your voice and/or the speed of your bike trainer.
PowerON — The All-in-One Mobile AC Power Source
Imagine 120V, coming out of 2 controllable outlets. All coming from a (wireless) box with WiFi.
Localize Your Board with an SMS
Get the position of your MKR GSM 1400 on your smartphone through an SMS with a Google Maps link.
RandomRex — The Tweeting Picture Frame
A tweeting picture frame made by Rex, the floofiest member of 8 Bits and a Byte.
Ternary Digital Clock with Arduino
This is an original ternary digital clock running with Arduino!
A Cooler Way to Warm Up Your Car
It’s winter. Don’t let your car run for 20 minutes just for a little warmth. Build this WiFi-connected heater and spare the pollution!
Ambient Sound Light Show
Ambient sounds are analyzed by frequency content and displayed on a strip of LEDs, dancing to the sound of music, conversation or noises.
Furby Hacking 101
Control a Furby Connect (the BLE-enabled version of the classic toy) from your Linux macOS, FreeBSD, or Windows machine.
Internet Controlled LED Strip Using ESP32 + Arduino
Control an RGB LED strip using ESP32 hosting an HTTP server written in Arduino framework. Works in local network and through the Internet.
The Hovercraft Project
Create a hovercraft and a remote control from scratch.
Making a Robot Play Fetch
Use the new Pixy2 and a DFRobot ESP32 FireBeetle to create a robot that can find and retrieve items!
Arduino CNC Plotter (Drawing Machine)
You want to make a machine that could hold a pen and draw you a picture! than this is the best tutorial to guide you making it.
Piattuino Plate Robot
An Arduino Mega controls a MIDI-data stream to 30 plates equipped with solenoids and lets them playing any sound.
Etch A Sketch Joystick
Use a joystick to control a classic drawing toy through two DC motors.
Giant Lego Hulk Minifig (10:1 Scale) with a Twist
A Giant Lego Hulk Minifig (10:1 Scale) that also speaks and moves.
Education with IoT- LoRa+Arduino — Some Assembly Required #2
After a couple of months building LoRa field gateways and sample clients, this project shows how to use them for a real-world solution.
Orange NB-IoT RDK Power Consumption Optimization
Quickly build a battery driven proof of concept with the Orange NB-IoT Rapid Development Kit.
Blinking LED and Low-Code: ESP8266 and Hackeet Basics
Blink an LED from your smartphone without any coding thanks to Hackeet, a private-by-design low-code application development platform.
Simple Remote Display with Mobile App
Make a simple remote display system with an OLED and Arduino Ethernet. You can absolutely send your messages via mobile app.
NodeMCU Based Moisture Monitoring System
NodeMCU interfaced with humidity sensor gets the analog input as moisture and post the moisture value to the cloud.
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