These Raspberry Pi Smart Glasses Can Read Text to Dyslexic Wearers

For people who suffer from a disability or impairment, there are really only two solutions to hope for: that a medical cure will be found…

Cameron Coward
6 years agoWearables

For people who suffer from a disability or impairment, there are really only two solutions to hope for: that a medical cure will be found, or that technology will be developed that can improve their quality of life. The preferable solution, of course, is to just be relieved of the impairment altogether. But, medical research is expensive, moves slowly, and is full of red tape. In the mean time, technology like OTON GLASS can help those who need it.

OTON GLASS, which won third place for the James Dyson award in 2016, is a pair of glasses that read text aloud to the wearer. Keisuke Shimakage started developing OTON GLASS in 2012 after his father developed dyslexia following an operation to remove a brain tumor. His father was able to make a full recovery, but Shimakage was struck by how difficult life with dyslexia could be, and set out to develop a device to assist sufferers.

While the design is reminiscent of Google Glass, OTON GLASS is tailored specifically to its task. The glasses contain a Raspberry Pi, two cameras, and headphones. One camera is directed towards the wearer’s eye and tracks the eye’s movement. The other camera is pointed forward at what the wearer sees.

If the user comes across text they can’t read, they simply look at the text and blink. The Raspberry Pi then reads the text aloud. If the text can’t be deciphered automatically, a human assistant is notified to read it. After years in development, OTON GLASS is need of funding for a commercial launch, and you can back it on Campfire.

Cameron Coward
Writer for Hackster News. Proud husband and dog dad. Maker and serial hobbyist. Check out my YouTube channel: Serial Hobbyism
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